General Purpose Absorbent refers to a type of material or product designed to absorb or soak up liquids, spills, or leaks in various environments and applications. It is commonly used in industrial settings, workshops, laboratories, and other areas where liquid spills or leaks are likely to occur.

General Purpose Absorbents are typically made from materials such as polypropylene, cellulose, or clay. These materials have high absorbency and can quickly soak up liquids, including oils, solvents, coolants, water, and chemicals. The absorbent material is often contained in the form of pads, rolls, pillows, socks, or loose granules.

The primary function of General Purpose Absorbents is to contain and control spills or leaks, preventing them from spreading further and causing potential hazards. They help to maintain a clean and safe working environment by absorbing liquids effectively and reducing the risk of slips, falls, or contamination.

General Purpose Absorbents are available in different sizes and configurations to suit specific needs. They are typically color-coded, with gray or white being common for general-purpose use. These absorbents are disposable and can be safely disposed of after use, following the appropriate waste management guidelines.

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